Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Home life, it's beautiful.

Today was a fulfilling day.  Get ready for this...I went to work, waited on a few tables, picked up my baby from abuelita's house, went grocery shopping, got home, checked in on facebook and put the groceries away.  Then I made dinner, ate dinner with Pietro, fed Selah, cleaned up after dinner with Pietro's help :}, gave Selah Strawberry Nestle quik for the first time, and she surprised me and sang, "You are a good, good mommy".  Then I gave her a bath, read her a bedtime story, prayed with her and here I am blogging.  It may sound boring to some but I am so grateful to have a family, a home, a home life.  There is nothing like it.  It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.  (Nicole, if you're reading this, thanks for the warm and fuzzy analogy.)  

Tonight after Selah's bath, I was holding her all wrapped up in her towel.  I noticed she was looking into my eyes, she let out a little sigh and smiled.  It's times like these that make me realize she's feeling loved, safe and secure, at that very moment.  That does something to me inside.  Creating an environment like this for my family is something I've always wanted, and here I am living it.

As I prayed with Selah tonight my heart was filled with thankfulness.  I was thanking God for my health, her health, Daddy's health, our home, our jobs, the food in our fridge, the cars that work, our family, and our friends.  It was one of those prayers little ones recite as they mention everyone's name in the room including their doggie.  That was me, going through the list in my mind, thankful as could be.  It may sound so simple minded but it just felt right.  Who knows what tomorrow brings, it could hold disaster.  Why not relish the moment and count today's blessings?

God, even if tomorrow brings disaster, help me to have a grateful heart, one that looks beyond the circumstance and holds onto hope in you.  Thank you for today, my heart is filled to the top. ~ Amen